Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Communication Technology The Impact of the Telegraph on...

Over the course of the next two essays, we will address the factors which made the advent of the telegraph in 1876 such a deciding influence on the future prospects of the technology industry as well as the growth of communication itself. We will also observe examples of just a few of the logistical, financial and distributional processes that go into the publication of a magazine designed for controlled circulation. Essay #1 Before the invention of the telegraph in 1844 by Samuel Morse and his colleagues, news and messages traveled at a much more laborious and protracted rate. While businesses and individuals could communicate by interpersonal communication through†¦show more content†¦Smith (2001) compared the influential power of the telegraph and more modern inventions, stating that â€Å"The same phenomena is easily seen in the relatively recent proliferation of computers and electronic communication technology† (p. 279). By the 1850s, predictions regarding the impact of the new medium abounded, including statements about how it would make countries further connected, how it would change politics and business and how it would make newspapers obsolete. All of the same statements were later made in the 1990s, when people were astonished at the potential of the Internet. Whatever expectations and predictions people had about the telegraph, they were right about one thing: the telegraph would be consequential over the course of history. The introduction of the telegraph had an influence in communications on a large global scale, and altered both diplomacy and society. To sum up the impact the telegraph had on the financial realm of the world, â€Å"While a British tramp freighter steamed from Calcutta to New York, a broker in London was arranging by telegram for it to carry an American cargo to Australia. World commodity prices were also instantaneously conveyed by the same network of communicationsâ₠¬  (Buckler, et al., 2006). The telegraph marked the first huge advance of communication technology since the printing press, and this milestone allowedShow MoreRelatedThe Telephone Is The Most Important?850 Words   |  4 Pagesmade great advances in society, by using different communication tools. From when humans picked up the very first stick and drew in the dirt to the modern day use of computers, society has evolved greatly. Without communication technologies chances are humans would still be wandering scavengers. There is no doubt that certain technologies such as, cave paintings, computers, telegraphs, written language, and much more have each played an important role in human communication, but which one is the mostRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1209 Words   |  5 Pagesrapidly progressing. It is starting to impact so many lives that is affecting those negatively. 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