Thursday, December 26, 2019

Some cultures have contributed to colorist beliefs that...

Some cultures have contributed to colorist beliefs that light hair and blue eyes are the standard for beauty. People who fall victim to this altered view have gone as far as skin bleaching and extreme poisonous routes which have contributed to the deaths of women trying to stay in trend. Countries such as India victimize females with favor placed on lighter skin. Africa is a predominantly dark skinned continent that has taken up the fair skin death trap; a country that should be praising rich cocoa skin, or darker skin that is native to India begun praising European like skin. The colorist view projected by society and the media leads to exploitation and the death of some who have subscribed to colorist ideals. Colorism can be found†¦show more content†¦If children can acknowledge these things subconsciously it is no shock that children with these views would turn into adults with similar views, subconscious or conscious. Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye explores the ps yche of a young girl that desires to have blue eyes and blonde hair like Shirley Temple so she too can be loved and have all the happiness young white girls have. Sharmila Devi’s research about the history of the desire for light skin reveals that, â€Å"†¦It was the same in South Africa, where in the 1950s black women bought lightening creams in the hope of enjoying the benefits of the white society they were excluded from, as in India, where marital success can depend on light-toned skin, and in Burma, where large posters still advertise such creams. Almost every big cosmetic company now sells some sort of lightening product.† The average Indian person is not as light-skinned as models, celebrities and Bollywood actresses. These instruments to the media are prized for their fair skin. Indian people from North India generally have lighter skin than those from South India because of the varying climates. Many sources claim that the fascination with lighter skin stemsShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Oppression In Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye1474 Words   |  6 Pagestheory in mind, we are better able to understand some literature, including Toni Morrison’s novel, The Bluest Eye. The Bluest Eye, written by Toni Morrison, is a novel about a young black girl named Pecola Breedlove. Pecola lives in a time where colorism (discrimination based on the lightness or darkness of skin) is rampant. Because of this, Pecola wants blue eyes. She believes that blue eyes will solve her problems and make her happy. Of course, this never happens, and eventually Pecola is drivenRead MoreThe Disease Known As Colorism2165 Words   |  9 Pages The Disease known as Colorism Justin Tyler Hampton University Abstract What defines who we are: is it where we come from, who our parents are, how much money we have, what we look like, or is it what we do with our lives? The truth is, the answer to this question is very complex, and there is no one true answer, but when looking from the eyes of America one of the major contributing factors to this is race. In the world that we live, being black has become known as something negativeRead MoreColorism Within the Harlem Renaissance2864 Words   |  12 Pages2012 Colorism within the Harlem Renaissance Within any group of people there is always going to be some form of judgment and African American people of the early twentieth century Harlem are no different. Throughout this course students have been immersed into the culture of 1920s Harlem and through this immersion many significant issues have surfaced from the artist of the time period. A major issue that has been repetitive throughout all forms of art during this period is colorism. Colorism whichRead MoreColorism And The Common Struggle Of Black Girls1921 Words   |  8 PagesColorism and the common struggle of black girls Over the course of the years, society has taught black girls that the darker their skin tone is, the uglier they are which triggered them to do their best to meet Eurocentric beauty standards such as having light skin, slim nose and straight hair. â€Å"It was their contempt for their own blackness that gave the first insult its teeth. They seemed to have taken all of their smoothly cultivated ignorance, their exquisitely learned self-hatred, their elaboratelyRead MoreThe Importance Of Colorism In The Great Gatsby1020 Words   |  5 Pages F. Scott Fitzgerald’s works deliver the most vivid depictions of life in all literary history, and those explored by his 1925 novel The Great Gatsby are no exception. Fitzgerald plays with colors to quite literally paint the town of New York and its surroundings. These colors suggest things about his cast of characters that one might have otherwise missed. Fitzgerald cleverly weaves color into Jay Gatsby’s life to delineate his chase of Daisy, Daisy’s character development, and the reality of lifeRead More Oprah’s Life Class on Colorism Essay1165 Words   |  5 PagesRecently on Oprah’s Life Class on Colorism, many young African American women came toget her to converse on a very tough topic within the community. This rising dilemma Oprah calls ‘The Secret Shame’, also known as Colorism, is a prejudice act where people within the same race discriminate against each other based on the shades of their skin. There has been a lot of talk about the privilege of lighter skin over darker skin tones and how it has truly effected African Americans as a whole. People ofRead MoreThe Problem Of Colorism : Skin Color, Status, And Inequality1371 Words   |  6 PagesColorism† is a form of prejudice in which people are treated differently based on skin color. The subject matter of colorism can be greatly argued amongst the African-American culture. Because of the direct biased attitudes towards skin color there has been a manifestation of internal oppression within the Black race. According to the article, â€Å"The Persistent Problem of Colorism: Skin Tone, Status, and Inequality† (Hunter 2007), researchers confirme d that fair-skinned people have clear advantagesRead More Colorism: Creating a Racial Divide in the African American Community1920 Words   |  8 Pageswith more Caucasian features signified high status and beauty which was sought after by members of the African American community (Dibleck). In Zora Neale Hurstons novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, the author uses Janie Crawford to depict how colorism affected African Americans on both sides of the skin color spectrum. By demonstrating the attitude society (mostly men) had towards skin color, the author displays the realities of being an African American in the early 1900s and the deep racialRead MoreAnalysis Of Marybeth Gasman And Ufuoma Abiola s Article Colorism870 Words   |  4 PagesBrief summary of main research question Marybeth Gasman and Ufuoma Abiola’s article Colorism Within the Historically Black Colleges and Universities it investigates the significant of color prejudice at HBCUs. This article examines the origins, manifestations and damaging results of colorism on black college campuses. In this article the authors are trying to find a way to solve the problem of colorism at HBCUs and create an environment where students can be success regardless of whether they areRead MoreEssay on Colorism: Black People and African American Community743 Words   |  3 PagesColorism is an issue amongst African Americans that is slowly disunifying the culture. The idea that is constantly reiterated in the African American community is that if you are light skinned you have a better job with more income, more successful, have more relationships, and are deemed less of a threat, essentially living the â€Å"best of both worlds†. If are darker skinned you are jobless or at a job that is not movin g you into the future, less successful, passed by a potential mate, and is labeled

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Communication Technology The Impact of the Telegraph on...

Over the course of the next two essays, we will address the factors which made the advent of the telegraph in 1876 such a deciding influence on the future prospects of the technology industry as well as the growth of communication itself. We will also observe examples of just a few of the logistical, financial and distributional processes that go into the publication of a magazine designed for controlled circulation. Essay #1 Before the invention of the telegraph in 1844 by Samuel Morse and his colleagues, news and messages traveled at a much more laborious and protracted rate. While businesses and individuals could communicate by interpersonal communication through†¦show more content†¦Smith (2001) compared the influential power of the telegraph and more modern inventions, stating that â€Å"The same phenomena is easily seen in the relatively recent proliferation of computers and electronic communication technology† (p. 279). By the 1850s, predictions regarding the impact of the new medium abounded, including statements about how it would make countries further connected, how it would change politics and business and how it would make newspapers obsolete. All of the same statements were later made in the 1990s, when people were astonished at the potential of the Internet. Whatever expectations and predictions people had about the telegraph, they were right about one thing: the telegraph would be consequential over the course of history. The introduction of the telegraph had an influence in communications on a large global scale, and altered both diplomacy and society. To sum up the impact the telegraph had on the financial realm of the world, â€Å"While a British tramp freighter steamed from Calcutta to New York, a broker in London was arranging by telegram for it to carry an American cargo to Australia. World commodity prices were also instantaneously conveyed by the same network of communicationsâ₠¬  (Buckler, et al., 2006). The telegraph marked the first huge advance of communication technology since the printing press, and this milestone allowedShow MoreRelatedThe Telephone Is The Most Important?850 Words   |  4 Pagesmade great advances in society, by using different communication tools. From when humans picked up the very first stick and drew in the dirt to the modern day use of computers, society has evolved greatly. Without communication technologies chances are humans would still be wandering scavengers. There is no doubt that certain technologies such as, cave paintings, computers, telegraphs, written language, and much more have each played an important role in human communication, but which one is the mostRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1209 Words   |  5 Pagesrapidly progressing. It is starting to impact so many lives that is affecting those negatively. From the way technology was brought to the wor ld about 180 years ago, its’ use is becoming adapted through generations. Many are losing out on explorations learned as young children, due to being stuck on technology. Even though there are educational advantages for youth through technological developments, it more so promotes corruption. Focusing on how technology was originally brought up creates a totallyRead MoreTechnological Innovations in Society733 Words   |  3 PagesInnovations In society today it seems that many people rely on technology and focus more on the innovations that have occurred in the last twenty years or less. But, what about the advances in technology that the average person takes for granted. â€Å"Most of us spend most of our lives in completely artificial environments, wrapped in a technological cocoon that provides us with much more than merely food and protection from the elements.† (Winston Edelbach, 2014, p. 1) The telegraph, railroad andRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Development Of Journalism887 Words   |  4 PagesReceiving news today is very different then it was decades ago. In today’s society people don’t need to gather around the TV and wait for the evening news or read about something important or interesting a week later in the newspaper. In today society a large amount of readers, viewers and listeners are using online sources to get their news and stay updated with the current affairs. Wi th the developing technology people not only receive news faster but can also interact with them and share theirRead MoreTelephone Essay1430 Words   |  6 Pagesthis technology was invented, it was very difficult for people to maintain long distance friendships/relationships. Most communication occurred through letters and telegraphs. Can you imagine not being able to hear the voice of loved ones for long periods of time? On March 10, 1876 the first initial speech was transmitted by Alexander Graham Bell by using electricity. Even though it did not instantly revolutionize the world, it started a course that would change the future of communication. ThisRead MoreFading Childhood - Original Writing1230 Words   |  5 Pageseducation. Modern society is ruining childhoods with technology, test driven education and limited interactions. With the constant innovation of technology, today’s children are constantly captivated by the newest inventions. Society has surrounded its focus on technology. It is everywhere and involved with everything we do. How we get to places, how we communicate, and it even makes our food. In current day we are extremely dependent on technology as so our children will. Technology is presented earlyRead MoreCommunication Is An Important Staple Of Human History868 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication is an important staple of human history. From the use of Egyptian hieroglyphs to the first appearance of emojis in Japan during the late nineteen-nineties. Methods of communication are ever-evolving and it is only a matter of time before the next sweeping form of interaction changes how we communicate. Before exploring the revolution which took place in the late nineteenth century, it is important to look at the pre-telephone era, the factors that went into the invention of the telephoneRea d MoreKing Leopold s Ghost Response Paper1444 Words   |  6 Pagesof the conquest of the Congo: technology. Technology was a key component in both constructing King Leopold’s empire in the Congo and in dismantling it through the efforts of the international human rights movement led by E.D Morel and Roger Casement. Different technological instruments make their appearance subtly throughout the book but three specific innovations had major impacts on the development and disintegration of the Belgian Congo: river steamers, the telegraph, and photography. Without theseRead MoreEssay about Time And Technology996 Words   |  4 Pages1900’s ? THESIS Telecommunications have revolutionized business and communication between people. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Since the beginning of time communication has always been a crucial part in our societies for development. Without communication there was no or little development, people did not know what was out there, and what was available. It is communication that has developed our large and very intricate societies with different institutions communicating for the welfare of our peopleRead MoreEvolution of Mass Communications Essay examples1151 Words   |  5 Pages The evolution of mass communications has gone through major developments; from etching the beginnings of an alphabet into a rock the size of a standard dinner table to letting a computer recognize words spoken into a speaker as it types away what it hears. Dating back to around 1700 B.C. when the first alphabet was said to come into existence, society has come far in different fields of communications. Nothing made as large of an impact in the world of communications as the revolution of the Internet

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christianity and Time Period free essay sample

Christianity had a big impact on Europe culturally, economically, and politically through the 600 to 1750 C. E. time period. Christianity during these time periods had great many changes but also had a variety of continuities that were alike as well. The Christian faith through this time period in Europe went through multiple reforms. Reforms such as the Protestant Reformation, led by Martin Luther, had a severe impact on the Catholic Church and Christians everywhere in Europe. Also the change of the political power of the papacy and the effect it also had on Europe’s economy. Culturally Christianity had a big impact on Europe, seeing as almost everyone in that region considered themselves Christians. Christianity during the 600’s was on the rise and this caused various different forms of ideas of what people thought Christianity was. Most Christians in the 600’s to the 1500’s were Catholics and the Catholic Church had clear power in Europe politically and economically. We will write a custom essay sample on Christianity and Time Period or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Of course, this all started to change around 1517 when Martin Luther published â€Å"The Ninety-Five Thesis† that got people thinking about the downfalls of the church and the reasons to join the Protestant Church during this time period which effected European culture in such a short period of time because of one man’s attempt to overthrow the Catholic Church in Europe in the 1500’s. This split between the Christians led to European Wars of Religion in the 1600’s that eventually ended and came to peace with the â€Å"Peace of Westphalia†. Despite the ending of the wars Europe’s Church was still split in two and caused many changes in Europe culturally. Although there were a great many changes in Europe’s culture there was also a continuity that kept these three time periods alike. This continuity was the fact that despite all of these obstacles that the Catholic Church and the Christians face over the 600 to 1750 time period they still kept going and stayed intact because of the love of culture and religion in Europe during this time period. Economically Christianity affected Europe in a variety a different ways.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Lonely Man free essay sample

Through Welthy’s imagery, she dramatize Bowman’s sense of his own loneliness, and the emptiness of his own human relationship. Welthy successfully achieve that by using visual, auditory and tactile imagery. Welthy starts the essay by giving a visual image to show Bowman’s loneliness. She says, â€Å"R. J. Bowman, who for fourteen years had traveled for a shoe company through Mississippi, drove his Ford along a rutted dirt path. Telling the reader that Bowman is a traveling shoes salesman and drives a ford in the middle of nowhere gives readers a visual image of a sad man that is living life without meaning. Another example of effective visual imagery used by Welty, Welthy says, â€Å"He had given the nurse a really expensive bracelet, just because she was packing up her bag and leaving. † A pretty nurse took care of Bowman when he was in the hospital from influenza and without much emotional or physical attachment, Bowen gave her a really expensive bracel et before he left the hospital. We will write a custom essay sample on Lonely Man or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Welty’s use of visual imagery of a shocking nurse that received a bracelet for being nice, and a desperate and not exactly a ladies’ man Bowman to portrait his loneliness. The most effective visual imagery Welthy gives is when Bowman went to a brothel, â€Å"He could only remember little rooms within little rooms, like a nest of Chinese paper boxes, and if he thought of one woman he saw the worn loneliness that the furniture of that room seem built of. It shows that even in a brothel, while about to have sex with a woman, all he can see and think about is the sofa in the room which is lonely and useless just like he is. Auditory was another type of imagery Welthy often uses. To again show the loneliness of Bowman, Welthy describes Bowman’s view of summer as stuffy and winter as drafty. The beautiful warm weather of summer time in Bowman’s view would be excruciating and lacks fresh air, while in Bowman’s view would winter be freezing, and full of cold air. Furthermore, in the last sentence of the story, Welthy uses imagery that works well for both touch and sound. â€Å"He covered his heart with both hands to keep anyone from hearing the noise it made. But nobody heard it. The imagery Welthy uses illustrate that Bowman was having a heart attack and did not want anyone to hear it because he wants to die, and Welthy says no body heard it anyway to ultimately prove that he has been a lonely and empty man all his life and he died as one as well. To conclude, Welthy uses effective imagery in almost every paragraph of her essay. Her use of visual, auditory, and tactile imagery throughout the story are like something attached on Bowman back to keep reminding readers of what Bowman is thinking and how he is feeling and at the same time the readers also kept in mind of how empty and lonely he is.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Capstone Project Definition And Its Purpose -

Capstone Project Definition And Its Purpose Capstone Project Definition And Its Purpose Modern students of any class and academic level have to work hard not only at their universities to keep their grades high, they also need to look for a job to pay for the college and obtain some work experience by the end of the studies. This often leads to a critical lack of time. Therefore, many students that have to keep the fine line between their studies and life or work, are forced to look for alternative academic solutions that would save them some time without harming their performance. Many, to avoid issues, turn to companies that provide essay for college students. Such services come especially in handy when you are assigned to complete some major projects like a capstone project but after reading this article, you will learn how to cope with this task easily! What is capstone paper? At the final stage of study at the educational institution, the majority of students face the necessity to write a capstone paper, which is not an easy task as it takes a lot of time and effor t. How to write a Capstone project? Here we’re going to find out the capstone definition and its purpose, and will try to find out why do we need to write this type of paper at college. The capstone project is written during the final and most crucial stage of education at the University/ College. What is its goal? Capstone research project reflects knowledge and skills gained by a student during the years of study. The student himself/herself decides the questions put before him/her within the scope of the chosen topic. Thus, it gives you some freedom. Writing a capstone project is a kind of demonstration of the ability to analyze and synthesize material on a specific topic, the ability to solve problems, develop student’s own ideas and argue his/her application in practice. Therefore, it is an important task. Capstone program requires a full disclosure of a topic. The standard capstone project paper consists of:Introduction Statement of problem/opportunity (research question) Background, Context, and Significance of Study Project researcher identificationLiterature Review Subheadings (themes discovered in review) Notice of gaps in knowledgeMethods Subjects/participants Data collection approaches/strategies Advantage of strategy Limitation of strategy Potential risk Ethical issues about collection upon the subjects/participants Data analysis approaches and/or software (NOT the Results themselves, just how you are going to analyze the data – coding method, analysis of interviews/recordings, mathematics and stats analysis)Results, Findings, Interpretation, and DiscussionRecommendations, Application, and ConclusionReference pages. This is a sample structure of such papers. A significant role is played by the research itself, the conclusions drawn from it, as well as student-generated solutions. Of course, the student that works hard on his/her topic can submit a unique paper of high quality with the help of the scientific literat ure and research methods. However, it is only possible if you approach it right. Having set a goal to deeply reveal the topic of the project, he/she will follow the logical structure and the correctness of the design work. Thus, a clear goal and motivation are also important. Throughout the Capstone College course, the student must select the appropriate sources from scientific literature on the topic, to conduct research. The student can write a theory of a project consisting of basic concepts, scientific ideas with their comparisons and methods of research, studying and analyzing scientific theories, comparing the point of view of modern researchers to this problem with their views on the studied subject. What else to keep in mind? In-depth study of problems of the subject gives the chance for its full research at the comparative analysis of the knowledge available or received by the student and conclusions. Thoughtful authors conclusions and recommendations will be a guarantee of quality and originality of the Capstone project.Why Do Students Need To Write Capstone Projects?The process of writing trains your professional skills; you hone your ability to solve problems related to specialization. In addition, it is also a great experience. You may like to write a paper of this type, and you decide to work in the research field. Dont miss the chance to try something new. Of course, preparing both the capstone project and the exams brings a lot of hassle. But writing a capstone paper is interesting because it is not memorizing written by someone words and prepared materials, but your own serious creative work where you can express your own thoughts regarding the research topic. Moreover, the interested person has the right to choose the topic and explore it. After all, this is your own scientific work, the first and, perhaps, the only one in life. Many people misunderstood Capstone project meaning and make mistakes writing it. But it does not matter whether it is written by the student or ordered from writing service, in any case, it will give the writer a lot of pleasant moments of satisfaction with his work, because it will be an occasion for small discoveries, because everyone wants something to open, to understand something by revealing some small mystery. It is all about making your own contribution to the science.ConclusionWriting a capstone project is an important part of studying process regardless of whether a student studies at school, college or university. This type of work will teach you how to solve issues related to the subject of your studies, become more professional in the field of your (maybe) future profession. Indeed, it is not a simple matter. Many people are afraid of such kind of work, but it makes studying more interesting when you must deal with different difficulties on your own. However, with the help of some effective tips for writing essay that are also applicable for writing your capstone project, you will e asily handle your assignment as well as all future tasks!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Analysis of the Film Scream Essays

Analysis of the Film Scream Essays Analysis of the Film Scream Essay Analysis of the Film Scream Essay A blockbuster movie is a film, which has a large budget, wins many awards, has famous actors to play the roles and creates a lot of media attention! I have chosen to review and analyse the blockbuster movie scream. Scream is a multi-million dollar film made back in 1996. Since it was released in October of that year it has made $86 million dollars and two sequels have been made and released. The director of scream is Wes Craven, he has also written many other movie blockbusters. E.g. I know what you did last summer, Scream 2 and 3, I still know what you did last summer and The mind ripper. Craven has in each maintained a gripping dedication to the genre that made him big in the first place. Horror! The main ingredients of a horror movie are a serial killer, victims, a motive and of course fear! Horror movies in the past have been pretty predictable. So far as to say there are simple techniques to keep to in order to stay alive, for example saying things such as whos there? and be right back are a death wish, coincidentally if a person says them they will inevitably die! Also in order to survive a horror movie you have to remain a virgin and not drink or take drugs. Wes craven abandons this when Sydney Prescott, the main character looses her virginity to her boyfriend and makes it into the sequel. Scream although rated 18 because of its violent content and adult language is aimed at teenagers and young adults. It is a typical teen horror movie, set in an American High School with characters that teenagers could easily relate to. Scream won a lot of awards. It picked up best movie in 1996 MTV movie awards, Top box office film in the 1998 ASCAP film and television music awards, best actress, best horror film and best writer in the academy of sci fi, horror and fantasy films in 1997, and best movie in MTV movie awards 1997. It was also nominated for many more. The casting director Lisa Beach specifically picked the cast. Casey Becker, a teenager who loves horror movies and dumped Stu for her rugby player boyfriend Steve. She was played by Drew Barrymore. Sydney Prescott, the lead role, played by Neve Campbell. Sydneys mother was last years greatest news story when she was raped and brutally murdered. So shed been through a lot as it was. She was never the typical victim. Each time she was attacked she put up a good fight, and although she lost her virginity to her boyfriend Billy she managed to break the rules of a horror movie and survive, also saving the day. Billy Loomis, Sydneys boyfriend, and one of the murderers. Played by Skeet Ulrich. Tatum Riley, Sydneys best friend and fun loving girlfriend of Stu. Played by Rose McGowan. Stuart Macher (Stu), Tatums out going boyfriend and party lover. The other murderer. Randy Meeks, horror movie freak, obsessed by the horror genre. Often during the film you are fooled to believe that it could b e he who is the murderer, especially as he has the hots for Sydney. Played by Jamie Kennedy. Deputy Dwight Riley (Dewey) very caring and sweet, trying to look out for everyone and protect the town from the horror its facing. Hes Tatums big brother and has the hots for reporter Gail Weathers. Played by David Arquette. Neil Prescott, Sydneys father and the guy who Stu and Billy try to frame for all the murders. Played by Lawrence Hecht. Gail Weathers, the annoying reporter for Top Story. She covered the story on Sydneys mother. Played by Courtney Cox. Most of the main parts in scream were either famous before hand like Courtney Cox from the famous sit com. Friends, and Henry Winkler from Happy Days. Or went on to further their careers in other blockbuster movies like Drew Barrymore and David Arquette in Never been Kissed and Matthew Lillard in Shes all that. Other important people in the making of Scream include the writer Kevin Williamson, the producers Carly Woods and Cathy Conrad, the production designer Bruce Alan-Miller, the editor Patrick Lussier and of course Marco Beltrami, the guy who chose the music. Songs used in a film are very important because they help add to the atmosphere. Each and every one of these people has a very important job to do each crucial in the making of a blockbuster.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy - Essay Example acist who work in Massachusetts, should regulate his or her duty in such a way that they always follow and practise the required standard and ethics of the profession. The board also follows the duty of promoting, and protecting the public health and safety by implementing a proper pharmaceutical care to their citizens of Massachusetts. The function of the board involves, â€Å"The Board strives to assure consumers are receiving the highest quality prescription drug products from pharmacists who have graduated from accredited colleges of pharmacy. The Board also sets standards of quality assurance and best practices, requiring safe delivery systems in pharmacies licensed by the Board.†, says the administrative committee. More over the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Pharmacy has â€Å"The Board of Registration in Pharmacy licenses 9,902 pharmacists, 5,284 pharmacy technicians, 1,089 community/chain pharmacies, 7 nuclear pharmacies and 60 wholesale distributors in the Commonwealth† By looking at the function of the board it becomes quiet clear that the citizens of Massachusetts are at high safety and provided with full medical assistance by the board, more over there are lot of opportunities for the pharmacists who come out successfully from a strong educational background. The registration board of pharmacy of Massachusetts is found to have 9,902 pharmacists and more than five thousand pharmacy technicians are working, this clearly shows how much effort the board has put forth to implement the outcome and mission aims successfully. This would not only help the citizens to have a better and safe health, but also faith over the pharmacists. The role of a pharmacist is well defined by the board, because usually the pharmacists are considered as health professionals who should work according to supplying the exact prescription drugs to the patients. He should act according to the physician’s instructions. Becoming a pharmacist requires a basic educational

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ethics and Goverance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics and Goverance - Coursework Example For gaining global competitive advantage, its expansion to different areas of the world is essential and hence the selling of its stake to Coco-Cola is highly justified. 2. Innocent Ltd. will have advantage of getting some critical inputs form the giant company like Coco-Cola in the crisis time. For example, it may get some benefit in the form of management techniques in dealing human resources and also in the form of strategic management. In addition, the products of Innocent Ltd. can be sold even in remote pockets where ever Coco-Cola has establishments. 3. It may have a collaboration with the Coco-Cola for opening new branches in areas where Coco-Cola has already established its branches and can very much maintain that its quality policy would be maintained as good as that of earlier period. The founders of the company would still lead from the front and hence, the quality of the products would be well maintained in terms of environmental and health safety and customer satisfactio n. 4. The people’s awareness about Coco-Cola products is far higher than that of Innocent Ltd. and hence the higher number of customers would be in a position to taste Innocent products after the collaboration. 5. As Coco-Cola has already established branches in several areas, with out spending any additional expenditure, the Innocent can sell its products through these branches which certainly results in cost minimization and profit maximization. Disadvantages 1. The credibility of Innocent Ltd. among its customers has been its main strength till now which has driven the business. The company is well known for its commitment and dedication for manufacturing or producing healthy fruit juice products which contain socially and environmentally aware ingredients that are free from environmental pollution and health hazards and for better packaging techniques (Sweney, 2009). The customers prefer the products from this company for this quality consciousness and ethical standards. But, due to selling of its stake to Coco-Cola company which is known for producing non healthy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Way of Ford Motor Company Essay Example for Free

The Way of Ford Motor Company Essay * Introduction * Although to be the only one remaining member which have escaped bankruptcy of the Big Three among the automobile industry by June 2009, Ford suffers $14.7 million loss of revenue and elimination of stockholders’ equity due to the record-breaking fall in demand for 2008,US. However, to understand Ford’s position today requires understanding the American automotive industry. * General Industry analysis * From 1900-2008, US motor vehicle production has a rapid increase to9, 000,000 from 1900 to 1967, after not, there is a graduate decrease to 3,000,000 until 2008. At the mean time, the median age of passenger car in US was Spiral upwards. Combine the two phenomenon, we can get that the automobile industry market is quite saturated and the demand fell down. Regard to the automobile manufacturing technology, despite less differentiation between manufacturers due to the converge of technologies and design, the technological progress was incremental and lead to the various segmentations in each country. Follow the two situations, there are 3 big issues were emerged. One was the deep demand of auto cars result in excess capacity. Another one issues was the high cost among the technological development. Last one issue was the lacking differentiation. However, it also offers automakers new product segmentations and market. For an insightful analysis, we need to look at more information in details. * Porter’s Five Forces First of all, we can get a comprehensive industry environment analysis through the Porter’s Five Forces. In terms of the threat of new entrants of the automobile industry, it requires high capital costs for potential entrants, as the manufacturers are all carry out the mass-production-scale. However, when a new entrant face with the current competitors’ scale economies, smaller manufacturers could not survive since they cannot afford the massive product development cost, which was in excess of $6 billion. And it is easy to own the cost disadvantages independent of scale. Then, the product differentiation of automobile industry is not high as other industry. The automobile industry was a global network of collaborative arrangements. As the team-based approach became models for all major  manufacturers, there is no big difference in the function, model and design. They can only gain their differentiation by the firm’s service and effective advertising. Also, There is no switching cost in the automobile industry because no cost would be incurred when customer switch to a new supplier. However, the large capital requirement is demanding, as the automobile industry needs huge amount of capital to invest in its mass-production line. Furthermore, automakers have benefited from prodigious amounts of direct funds or indirect aids from the government around the world to keep car plants open and assembly line running after the global sales collapsed, and the industry has never operated on the pure free-market principles. It proved that the government always intervened in the automobile industry that suggests the government control entry into this industry. Then, the supplier group of the industry is powerful. In order to achieve lower costs and increased flexibility, the automobile manufacturing trend has been towards outsourcing. All of the manufacturers now have long-term relationships with their suppliers. Especially for the leading component suppliers that have the increasing responsibility for technological development, it gains a strong bargaining power. Because their goods as transmissions, braking systems, etc. are critical to buyers’ market success. Besides, it poses a credible threat to integrate forward into the automobile industry due to some suppliers like Bosch and Denso are as big as some larger automobile companies. What’s more, since a few large companies dominated the suppliers and is more concentrated than automobile industry, it is easy to get the conclusion that these suppliers are fatal and important threat to the automobile industry. Next, the bargaining power of the buyer is increasing. Although the auto buyers won’t purchase a large portion of cars in a given time since the auto is not cheap, the sales of the purchased product do not account for a significant portion of the seller’s annual revenue as well. Nevertheless, the customer cou ld switch to another automaker at litter or even no cost since automobiles are little differentiated, then the buyers pose a credible threat if they were to integrate backward into the sellers’ industry. In addition, the threat of the substitutes also is a vital factor of the industry analysis. As the passenger car substitutes, the public transportation like airplane, train and bus perform the same function. The technological change would offer opportunities for new entrants into the  industry. For the environmental concerns, it may also result in a decline in private transportation in favor of public transportation, or short-term rental car rather than car ownership. In general, these substitutes present a strong threat to the industry especially when the customers face few switching cost as I mentioned before. Moreover, the competitive rivalry is intense in the automobile industry. Firstly, there are equally balanced competitors within the industry. It can be found from company sales of these automakers, the annual average sales are nearly the same among several major big automakers as Ford, GM, Honda and Daimler. Industry with only a few firms of equivalent size and power tend to have strong rivalries. In another hand, as the high fixed cost and high storage cost of automobiles account for a large part of the total costs, the automakers will spread the costs across a large volume of output. However, excess capacity is created when firms try to maximize their productive capacity. And the excess capacity has become the greatest structural problem of the industry. To cut down the price is the most effective way to reduce inventories. At the mean time, this method often intensifies competition. Besides, lacking differentiation and low switching cost of the automobile industry are easy for competitors to attract buyers through pricing and service offerings. Finally, the high exit barriers intensify the automobile industry competition as well. With the recession and unprecedented fall in demand, automakers remain in the industry because they face the high exit barriers. Specialized assets, fixed cost of exit, strategic interrelationships, emotional barriers, government and social restrictions are make up the high exit barriers. To sum, the competitive rivalry is highly intense in the automobile industry. After the discussion about the Porter’s five forces, we have a comprehensive understanding that how is the American automobile industry environment. However, for a more accurate strategic competitiveness, we need to have a further analysis through the international markets and rivalries. * Industry analysis -Internationalization With the increasing competition in the industry, the intensified quest for cost reduction and the excess capacity among automobile manufacturers had make contributions to the internationalization. In another side, accessing growing market, exploiting scale economies in purchasing, technology, and new product development also mainly brought up the internationalization. In the market share part, the table shows that there is an apparent decrease in the automobile market share of local firms from 1988 to 2006.As the Big Three which held close to 85% of the US market in 1970, all of their US market share declined by an average of 6% in 2006. On the contrary, the reductive market share contributed to the increasing market share of Toyota and Honda in US. Not only the US market had an internationalization outcome as the above condition, but also many developed countries did. It illustrates that all the leading automobile manufacturers were competing in most of the countries of the world instead of dominated in focused national market as before, and the market dominance of local automobile firms was undermined. In addition, the global distribution of production shifts a lot due to the rise of new market and the needs of low production cost. As shown in the table4.7 and 4.8, the used biggest three automobile production countries and regions (US, Western Europe, and Japan) in 1980 have been taken place by Japan, China, and Germany in 2008. The world leading motor-vehicle producers-Korea, Brazil and India, also result in a rapidly growing domestic markets and low production cost that benefit a lot from the low compensation for workers. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that there is a big cost advantages and huge potential market for the big automobile manufacturers due to the internationalization. Since there are a lot of leading producers with cheap labor cost and high productivity outside US, then it provide resources and factors of production in the world outside US, and it provide automobile industry a way to worldwide outsourcing, which is beneficial to the reasonable allocation of capital and products in the global flow. Besides, internationalization in the automobile industry is helpful for design and technology in the global expansion, promote the economic development of the underdeveloped areas, in turn, it stimulate the sales of automobile. Nonetheless, the fierce competition is a concern in the international market. On account of the collaborations with the industry’s development and no barriers to enter other countries, fewer differentiation and free-limit expansion lead to intensive rivalry. * Industry attractiveness Through the industry analysis among five forces in American market and  international market, it is obvious to find the automobile industry is attractive in international market instead of in American market. Although there is a little threat of new entrants, strong bargaining power of supplier, increasing bargaining power of buyers, big threats of substitute products and intense competitive rivalry still make the domestic industry not attractive. In the international market, it is attractive as the potential market expansion and worldwide outsourcing. But with the intensive rivalry and low differentiation in the internationalization, it is necessary to be well prepared on the risk and responses. * Fit between core competencies and opportunities Ford was the first one to combine mass consumption with mass production, and Ford use this concept to guide the enterprise entrepreneur. What is the Ford’s core competency then? To start, it’s brand recognition in global scale. Ford does have a model in most categories. It provides a large global scale to Ford. A more strategic core competency of Ford is its global supply chain network. Its strategic alliances and supplier base is possibly one of the most favorable in the world. In addition, Ford has many opportunities. Firstly, Restructuring plan that to downsizing was launched long before GM and Chrysler, moving the manufacturing to low-cost location, worldwide outsourcing as well. These actions improve the performance, meet the location economy and cut down the cost of Ford. Secondly, Ford has a long history in production innovation. Thus, new products are very likely to be continued in the future. Thirdly, Ford’s business is locked up in the European and North American markets, however it possess a significant share in emerging markets such as South American, which should provide enormous growth of the future as the middle class to grow and earn the money to spend on automobiles. Finally, One major sector that is full with opportunity is the electric automobile market, as the world looks for an eco-friendly alternative that operates like the original car. When we compared Ford’s opportunities with core competencies, they fit with each other. The constant production innovation that leads to continued new product and the significant share in emerging markets provide the opportunities for Ford’s brand recognition in global scale. Furthermore, the location economy and worldwide outsourcing give Ford the chance to strengthen its global supply  chain network. In sum, Ford gains a very strong competitive advantage in automobile industry. * Business-level strategy In terms of the business-level strategy, Ford had an ambiguous business-level strategy that neither successful differentiation nor cost-leadership based on the case. On one hand, because of the high technological development cost, large excess capacity and huge capital cost, it cannot and did not maintain a cost leadership strategy. On the other hand, with the internationalization, resources and technologies sharing, collaborations among competitors, Ford do not have a strong differentiation strategy. Type of cooperation The cost of new product development has been the major driver if mergers and acquisition in the industry. And sharing cost also encouraged increased collaboration and joint venture. For Ford, its corporation includes joint venture, joint research, licensing, partnership, and acquisition. With these different corporation methods that to share costs, resources and risks, Ford shows a strong alliance to its supplier and partner. And Ford also obtains a significant reduction in product development time and cost. To some extent, the strong connection with other automakers and suppliers also accelerate the speed to reach the market and the potential consumer. * How to approach market * At present, the biggest change of automobile society is the transition from emerging market to mature market. And the most significant feature is the industry has entered the era of micro growth. Micro growth poses a big pressure to the whole industry, but it also promotes favorable industry healthy and sustainable growth. Thus, with such advantaged external opportunity and internal strength, Ford needs to approach new market to earn the market share and worldwide competitiveness. Exporting, licensing, strategic alliances, acquisition and WOS are the entry modes alternatives, but how to choose one from these? * Since Ford already has a strong partnership with other automakers, Ford has a foundation to gain other alliances. Besides, as Ford does not have much profit margin and the initial investment of automobile industry is huge, the Exporting, WOS and  Acquisition are not acceptable due to the high cost. In terms of the licensing, although it has a low cost and risk, the low return and little control are not appealing. Thus, Ford should go on with the strategic alliances to cut the entry cost and risk, and to achieve the industry integration. * 5-year plan To conclude all the analysis above, Ford’s strategies for the later 5 years’ development need to be changed. Firstly, a real business-level strategy is imperative. Adopting a clear differentiation strategy and supporting value-chain activities should improve Ford’s position. Besides, to Continue cost cutting beyond those already specified in the plan and focus on reduction of manufacturing costs to achieve Ford’s cost parity. Additionally, cut in cost to achieve parity with foreign rivals. Invest in unique advertising and create uniquely designed vehicles with shared platforms and technologies to promote differentiation strategy. * The second part of Ford’s plan is to refocus on the consumer through repositioning of its brand and product mix to be more consistent with customer preferences. Currently, Ford lacks product differentiation between these brands sold by the North American division. Ford should emphasize development and production of several car models that presently enjoy strong reputations. Thus, their continued success will enhance the company image as a whole, again supporting a strong differentiation strategy. The final key piece of Ford’s restructuring plan is the constant introduction of innovative products and new development methods. It can bring up new customers. Based on the improved differentiation and efficiencies of scale, the market sales and market share will go up. Together with all these recommendations, Ford should be able to return to a competitive position in the marketplace and stabilize with improve its market share and financial position. *

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nuclear Weapons And The Development Of Nuclear Warfare Essay -- Nuclea

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful and destructive technology ever created. From the first notion that nuclear technology could be harnessed to create a bomb, massive amounts of time and energy (as well as government funding) have been invested in further increasing the destructive yield of nuclear weapons. The process of development was carried out independently by governments worldwide. Despite the segregation of groups of scientists and secrecy surrounding their discoveries, design strategies and problems remained basically the same in all development projects with similar solutions being realized more or less concurrently. The first and most basic fission bomb quickly evolved to produce higher and higher yields. Through discoveries and modifications, nuclear technology evolved to eventually produce fission-fusion weapons, which are what compose most of the nuclear arsenal today. Further development, ironic as it may seem, is highly unnecessary and unlikely (except, perhaps, t o increase efficiency) due to the ridiculous power wielded in every modern thermonuclear weapon. The popular modern threat of nuclear weapons is the possibility of terrorist groups acquiring the materials to produce bombs. 'Lo-tech' nuclear weapons are feasible and would seem highly desirable for such groups to possess. The home enthusiast might even flirt with the idea of creating his or her own nuclear arsenal. Assuming one could obtain 10-20kg of highly enriched fissionable material, this may not be such a romantic idea after all. There are a number of things anyone must know about nuclear weapons, however, before declaring themselves a nuclear power. Fission Weapons (Atomic Bombs) Fission weapons, or "Atomic Bombs", are based on nuclear fission. Nuclear fission occurs when the nuclei of certain isotopes of heavy elements (such as uranium or plutonium) capture neutrons. The result is that the nuclei become unstable and break apart into two smaller nuclei. This process converts some of the mass into energy and releases varying numbers of neutrons that go on to collide with other nuclei causing them to break apart and so on and so on. In nature this process is irrelevant due to the low natural occurrence and densities of radioactive isotopes. During weapons construction, however, isotopes are refined and concentrated to ultra-pure forms so that fission can occur at the ... ...can be added on. The fusion reaction can go on to start another fusion reaction and so on with unlimited yield. The most powerful weapon ever conceived was of a similar design. The Russian "Tsar Bomba" (King of Bombs) was a fission-fusion-fusion weapon with an additional fission jacket surrounding the third stage that would have produced a yield of at least 100 megatons if it were ever exploded. Without the additional fission jacket it still produced the largest nuclear explosion ever at 50 megatons. Works Cited Brown, Richard K. "Nuclear Weapons Diagrams" href=""> "Nuclear Explosive Devices" href=""> Sublette, Carey "The High Energy Weapons Archive: A Guide to Nuclear Weapons" <a href=""> "The Atomic Bomb" <a href=""> Nuclear Weapons And The Development Of Nuclear Warfare Essay -- Nuclea Nuclear weapons are the most powerful and destructive technology ever created. From the first notion that nuclear technology could be harnessed to create a bomb, massive amounts of time and energy (as well as government funding) have been invested in further increasing the destructive yield of nuclear weapons. The process of development was carried out independently by governments worldwide. Despite the segregation of groups of scientists and secrecy surrounding their discoveries, design strategies and problems remained basically the same in all development projects with similar solutions being realized more or less concurrently. The first and most basic fission bomb quickly evolved to produce higher and higher yields. Through discoveries and modifications, nuclear technology evolved to eventually produce fission-fusion weapons, which are what compose most of the nuclear arsenal today. Further development, ironic as it may seem, is highly unnecessary and unlikely (except, perhaps, t o increase efficiency) due to the ridiculous power wielded in every modern thermonuclear weapon. The popular modern threat of nuclear weapons is the possibility of terrorist groups acquiring the materials to produce bombs. 'Lo-tech' nuclear weapons are feasible and would seem highly desirable for such groups to possess. The home enthusiast might even flirt with the idea of creating his or her own nuclear arsenal. Assuming one could obtain 10-20kg of highly enriched fissionable material, this may not be such a romantic idea after all. There are a number of things anyone must know about nuclear weapons, however, before declaring themselves a nuclear power. Fission Weapons (Atomic Bombs) Fission weapons, or "Atomic Bombs", are based on nuclear fission. Nuclear fission occurs when the nuclei of certain isotopes of heavy elements (such as uranium or plutonium) capture neutrons. The result is that the nuclei become unstable and break apart into two smaller nuclei. This process converts some of the mass into energy and releases varying numbers of neutrons that go on to collide with other nuclei causing them to break apart and so on and so on. In nature this process is irrelevant due to the low natural occurrence and densities of radioactive isotopes. During weapons construction, however, isotopes are refined and concentrated to ultra-pure forms so that fission can occur at the ... ...can be added on. The fusion reaction can go on to start another fusion reaction and so on with unlimited yield. The most powerful weapon ever conceived was of a similar design. The Russian "Tsar Bomba" (King of Bombs) was a fission-fusion-fusion weapon with an additional fission jacket surrounding the third stage that would have produced a yield of at least 100 megatons if it were ever exploded. Without the additional fission jacket it still produced the largest nuclear explosion ever at 50 megatons. Works Cited Brown, Richard K. "Nuclear Weapons Diagrams" href=""> "Nuclear Explosive Devices" href=""> Sublette, Carey "The High Energy Weapons Archive: A Guide to Nuclear Weapons" <a href=""> "The Atomic Bomb" <a href="">

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Effects of overpopulation Essay

Even thought the world is witnessing a sustainable improvement in all fields such as science and technology, it is still facing several problems that keep blocking it from improvement. One such problem is overpopulation that affects our life in many ways. Overpopulation generates three major effects: economy decline, environment downfall, and educational system decline. The first major effect of overpopulation is economy decline. When a country is overpopulated, it barely can support and provide people with necessary food to survive, so it will have no surplus to export. Not only this, but the worst thing is when a country is not able to feed its own people, then the only solution is to take debts from other countries. This puts the country in a critical situation from the economic perspective. Moreover, when the country is overpopulated, there is a high rate of unemployment because the government cannot afford job opportunities for the whole population, and also there will be no for eign investment because wherever there is overpopulation, there is an economic decline. One way or another, this situation will lead to crimes and other kind of problems. Environment downfall is the second main effect of overpopulation. First, when there is overpopulation, people need more space where to live, and that means less of green space, less of forests, and less of farmlands. things that are necessary for surviving. Second, how says overpopulation says pollution with all its different types; as a result, the air, the water, and all the earth’s resources start being torn down. Finally, a high rate of population implies an abusive usage of natural resources; consequently, within a short period of time, we will end up being in a world empty of natural resources, especially the non-renewable ones. The third and the last main effect of overpopulation is educational system decline. The higher the population of a country, the more teachers are needed in schools, and this leads directly to overcrowded schools since the government cannot afford the cost of paying additional teachers, and building new schools with larger capacity. This will affect in a very negative way student’s way of learning and attitude; for instance, when they see that the conditions are discouraging and not motivating for studying, either they drop out of school or they get involved in some morale deviation like drug  usage. Above are the three main effects of overpopulation and their characteristics. It is an issue that concerns everybody, so people should start to think about it seriously and take the necessary measures to reduce or at least stop this phenomenon that is making our life harder from increasing.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ego-Centricity and Socio-Centricity

The Different Windows of Life We all see the world In different perspectives and that's how we, as humans, handle this Journey called life. Two of the many different views of life are ego- eccentricity and solo-centrally, they may seem new to you but actually they're already spread out In the minds of different Individuals. As seen In the structure of the two words, egocentricity and egocentricity, they are obviously two different words not only in structure but also in meaning.Let me elaborate on their difference in meaning based on their structure. Egocentricity comes from the Latin word â€Å"ego† meaning â€Å"l† and â€Å"centrists† meaning â€Å"centered upon†. From their etymology we can infer that the word meaner centered upon oneself. Egocentricity is having opinions or views in life which highlight oneself or give importance to the decisions of an individual. Ego centrists believe that they are the most Important living things on the earth more t han any plant or animal and their view on life Is mostly Influenced by oneself only.They believe that life Is colluded by Individuals and not by any social group or plant/animal. On the other hand Socio-eccentricity coming from the Latin word â€Å"socio† meaning companion and â€Å"centrists† meaning â€Å"centered upon† meaner having views or opinions based on one's membership in a social organization. Socio-eccentricity is having views that one is dominant because of his/her participation in any social organization or structure. Socio-centrists often associate themselves within their group and not as an individual not unlike the former.They also believe that life Is McCollum by societal groups and not Just by any individual. They believe that 2 heads are indeed better than one. No matter what flews/pollens you Imbibe wealth yourself, believe that the world Is McCollum by what we do and not what we think of ourselves or any human being. We can only solve the p roblems of the people if we do some action about it. We can never solve anything based only on our views. We can only bring an end to these if we do our part as human beings here on earth.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen R. Covey in 1989. This book has been on the National Best Seller list for over 200 weeks. Many people have attended Covey’s seminars on the subject. Many companies have required top executives to read this book including AT & T, Dow Chemical, Ford, Deloitte and Touche, Marriott, Xerox and Ritz Carlton Hotels. This book proposes that there are seven habits that can be learned to improve one’s personal and interpersonal effectiveness. Covey describes a habit as â€Å"the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire.† Knowledge would represent the â€Å"what to do†, skill the â€Å"how to do†, and desire the â€Å"want to do†. In order to create a habit in our lives, we must have all three. Habits 1, 2, and 3 relate to Private Victory with habit 4, 5, and 6 relating to Public Victories and Habit 7 being involved with Renewal. Habit one is to be proactive. This habit says that as human beings we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We create our own destiny. The proactive person acts rather than waiting to be acted upon. According to Covey, part of increasing our self-awareness is understanding our Circle of Concern, that is, our range of concern with which we have mental or emotional involvement. A Circle of Influence resides inside the Circle of Concern reflecting those things over which we have control. Habit two is to begin with the end in mind. If we paint a visual image of what we want our life to be then we actually provide a frame of reference within which all our behaviors can be examined. We must understand where we are going. We should develop a personal mission statement. It will provide the basic direction of our lives. This statement will force us to give thought to our values and what we want to accomplish in life. In the... Free Essays on 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Free Essays on 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen R. Covey in 1989. This book has been on the National Best Seller list for over 200 weeks. Many people have attended Covey’s seminars on the subject. Many companies have required top executives to read this book including AT & T, Dow Chemical, Ford, Deloitte and Touche, Marriott, Xerox and Ritz Carlton Hotels. This book proposes that there are seven habits that can be learned to improve one’s personal and interpersonal effectiveness. Covey describes a habit as â€Å"the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire.† Knowledge would represent the â€Å"what to do†, skill the â€Å"how to do†, and desire the â€Å"want to do†. In order to create a habit in our lives, we must have all three. Habits 1, 2, and 3 relate to Private Victory with habit 4, 5, and 6 relating to Public Victories and Habit 7 being involved with Renewal. Habit one is to be proactive. This habit says that as human beings we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We create our own destiny. The proactive person acts rather than waiting to be acted upon. According to Covey, part of increasing our self-awareness is understanding our Circle of Concern, that is, our range of concern with which we have mental or emotional involvement. A Circle of Influence resides inside the Circle of Concern reflecting those things over which we have control. Habit two is to begin with the end in mind. If we paint a visual image of what we want our life to be then we actually provide a frame of reference within which all our behaviors can be examined. We must understand where we are going. We should develop a personal mission statement. It will provide the basic direction of our lives. This statement will force us to give thought to our values and what we want to accomplish in life. In the third habit, Covey tells us to put first things first. Inde... Free Essays on 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen R. Covey in 1989. This book has been on the National Best Seller list for over 200 weeks. Many people have attended Covey’s seminars on the subject. Many companies have required top executives to read this book including AT & T, Dow Chemical, Ford, Deloitte and Touche, Marriott, Xerox and Ritz Carlton Hotels. This book proposes that there are seven habits that can be learned to improve one’s personal and interpersonal effectiveness. Covey describes a habit as â€Å"the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire.† Knowledge would represent the â€Å"what to do†, skill the â€Å"how to do†, and desire the â€Å"want to do†. In order to create a habit in our lives, we must have all three. Habits 1, 2, and 3 relate to Private Victory with habit 4, 5, and 6 relating to Public Victories and Habit 7 being involved with Renewal. Habit one is to be proactive. This habit says that as human beings we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We create our own destiny. The proactive person acts rather than waiting to be acted upon. According to Covey, part of increasing our self-awareness is understanding our Circle of Concern, that is, our range of concern with which we have mental or emotional involvement. A Circle of Influence resides inside the Circle of Concern reflecting those things over which we have control. Habit two is to begin with the end in mind. If we paint a visual image of what we want our life to be then we actually provide a frame of reference within which all our behaviors can be examined. We must understand where we are going. We should develop a personal mission statement. It will provide the basic direction of our lives. This statement will force us to give thought to our values and what we want to accomplish in life. In the...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The 5 Best SAT Apps How to Use Them Effectively

The 5 Best SAT Apps How to Use Them Effectively SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might use apps to take photos of your food and put dog filters on your face, but did you know you can also use apps to prepare for the SAT? It's true! There are a number of apps designed to increase your familiarity with the SAT and get you closer to reaching your goal score. In this article, I'll let you know how you can use apps in your SAT preparation, and I'll name five of the best free SAT prep apps currently available. SAT Apps: An Overview As mobile apps have become more popular, the College Board, SAT prep companies, educational app companies, and individuals have created their own apps to help students prepare for the SAT. Those who have created the apps are trying to capitalize on the popularity of mobile appsand want to make SAT prep material more accessible for students. If you have an SAT prep app on your phone or tablet, you can conveniently study for the SAT wherever you’re at,whether you’re at home, school, or a boring family function.Also, studying on an app is more enjoyable and interactive for some students than is using a traditional SAT prep book. While most SAT prep apps are free,some do cost money in order to use them. Why SAT Prep Apps Are Not Enough SAT apps can be a good study tool, but you probably won’t be able to solely rely on them to hit your target score. If you want help doing that, check out our guides onhow to get a perfect score on the SAT and the best ways to study for the SAT. So why aren't SAT apps enough? Here are some key reasons to be aware of. For one, most SAT apps don't have adequate practice questions.Either there are too few of them or they're not representative of the questions you'll get on the actual SAT. As a result, you'll likely need more real SAT questions or more realistic practice questions to be able to sufficiently drill your knowledge and improve your content weaknesses. Secondly,apps don’t always teach you helpful SAT test-taking strategies.Most SAT apps don’t cover test-taking strategies in detail, such as how to read the SAT Reading and Writing passages. Finally, mostSAT apps aren’t customized to your skill level.To improve your score, you need to focus on improving your personal weaknesses. For example, you might want to get better at time management on the Reading section, or you might need lots of help with linear equations. Generally, SAT prep apps aren’t effective at determining where you’re weak and aren't designed to help you zero in on the areas in which you need to improve your skills most. Sorry kid, you're gonna need more than an app to get a 1600. What Makes a Good SAT App? There are specific qualities you should look for in an SAT practice app. #1: Tons of Realistic Practice Questions The best SAT apps will offer hundreds of practice questions for you to hone your skills. These questions should use the same format as questions that appear on the SAT and should be roughly as difficult as those on official SAT practice tests. Moreover, solid questions will provide you with thorough answer explanationsso you’re able to understand how to correctly approach and answer them. #2: Good User Experience SAT apps should be easy to navigate and use. On some SAT prep apps, the text is hard to read or the setup of the app makes it difficult to identify the functions and navigate among them. #3: Thorough Content Instruction A good SAT prep app will clearly teach you the content you need to know in order to excel on the SAT.After doing a lesson or reading an answer explanation, you should have no lingering confusion about the topic you're studying. A quality SAT app will break down the topic and thoroughly explain it. You should be able to start with limited knowledge on a topic and then, after using the app, understand it well enough to correctly answer related SAT questions. A bad app will provide only brief instruction, meaning you'll continue to be uncomfortable with a content area you struggled with. If you have any unanswered questions about a topic, you'll need more content instruction. Apps aren't always the best teachers. #4: Questions and Lessons Are Divided by Specific Topics A good SAT app will divide practice questions and content instruction by more specific topics than just Reading, Writing, and Math. If you know the topics on which you need extra help, you should know exactly where to go. If you need more help with comma rules, for example, you should be able to easily find instruction or practice questions to help you study that specific content area. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! The 5 Best SAT Apps If you want to use SAT practice apps in your studying, here are five that can provide some benefit to you. All are free of charge! #1: Daily Practice for the New SAT iPhone | Android This isthe College Board’s official SAT prep app.Every day the app offers a new practice question, which can cover any topic. This feature might not help you if it’s on a topic you already know. Since previous questions of the day are archived, though, you can access these instead. These are organized by section and can be sorted by difficulty level or even the date they were posted. The official SAT app also has a function through which you can scan an official SAT practice test you've taken and get it corrected. Unfortunately, many app users have complained that the scanning function doesn't work well, so be aware of this potential issue before using the app. This app is overall solid because it offersCollege Board-approved questions and explanations. However, it doesn’t have thorough content instruction, and the number of questions is limited. #2: Ready4 SAT iPhone | Android This app is definitely one of the best SAT prep apps.Itoffers the following features: Ample content instruction A mock SAT with up to 100 questions Complete answer explanations to questions 60 SAT lessons Hundreds of virtual flashcards 1,000+ realistic practice questions Initially, you take a short diagnostic test of 10 questions so that the app cancustomize a course of instruction for you. However, because there aren’t many questions in this test, the app might not be able to accurately determine your current SAT skill level. Though a great SAT prep app, it's not perfect. First,the content instruction it provides is pretty brief, so it might not be enough if you’re really struggling with a particular topic. The user experience isn't ideal, either. For Reading and Writing, passages and questions are on different screens, and it was a little difficult for me to find the underlined portions of the passages for the Writing questions. Additionally, the app isn't maintained regularly. The last update to the iOS version came in September 2017, which means that the content might be out of date. Additionally, old apps can be unstable and crash often, so your mileage may vary there, too. Lastly, the entire app isn't actually free. While you can access some of its features without having to pay, you'll need to fork out $19.99 for a premium account if you want the full experience. #3: Khan Academy iPhone | Android The Khan Academy SAT prep app offers a portion of the Khan Academy SAT prep website. (The Khan Academy is a partner of the College Board.) With this app, you get quality video instruction that walks you through a number of practice problems related to SAT topics. I enjoyed these videos, and I believe watching them is a good way to improve your content knowledge and ability to tackle SAT questions. Unfortunately, the app doesn't offer actual SAT practice questions for you to do. That's because the Khan Academy app isn't just for SAT gives users access to all of Khan Academy's lessons. All in all, you might as well just use the website so you can have access to the practice questions and everything else Khan Academyhas to offer. #4: SAT Exam Prep Practice Test / SAT Test Prep Practice Q A iPhone |Android The free version of this SAT app offers 300 practice questions, but if you pay $0.99-$1.00, you'll get 471 total questions, a mock SAT, and access to so-called â€Å"SAT Genius experts.† On the positive side, this app has many realistic Math practice questions and perhaps the best user experience of all apps on this list. Negatively, however, the explanations to the questions aren’t great, and there’s no real content or strategy instruction. Like other SAT apps, the app isn't updated regularly, either. (The last update was in December 2017, which means the app might be out of date and/or unstable.)Also, avoid the Critical Reading, Language Vocab, and Word Knowledge questions altogether- these don't use passages and are nothing like actual Reading and Writing questions on the SAT. #5: SAT: Practice, Prep, and Flashcards iPhone | Android This app, created by Varsity Tutors, offers in-depth study materials for the SAT's Math, Critical Reading, and Writing sections. The two biggest perks of this app are its user interface and its flexibility. First, the app is well designed and easy to use. You can pick subjects, practice materials, and even a flashcard deck quickly and easily from the navigation menu. Honestly, the app is justpretty. In terms of flexibility, the app gives you many different ways to study. Not only does it offer diagnostic and practice tests, you can also study by concept, choose a pre-made flashcard deck, or just answer the app's Question of the Day.It's also easy to focus on your weakest categories because the app breaks its content down by test section and subject areas. Lastly, the SAT: Practice, Prep, and Flashcards app lets you time your practice so you can see how much time you're spending answering different types of questions. On the negative side, this app- like so many others in this category!- isn't updated regularly. While it's stable and usable for now, it's not clear whether that will be the case in the future. Additionally, there's a chance the questions and information are out of date, too. The SAT is constantly updating its question types, which means you need to study current materials to make sure you're ready for the test. How to Use SAT Apps in Your Studying: 4 Tips As previously mentioned, SAT apps can be a good resource, but you shouldn’t solely rely on them for your SAT prep.Here are some ways you should use SAT apps in your study sessions. #1: For Additional Practice Questions In your SAT studying, start withofficial SAT practice tests. The questions on these tests most closely resemble real SAT questions, and the College Board provides explanations for all of them. Use one test to get your baseline score and to figure out how many points you'll need to get in order to hit your goal score by test day. Next, start to gather other crucial SAT resources: buy prep books, hire a tutor, and/or sign up for an SAT prep course. Once you've gathered your primary materials, use SAT apps as supplementary resources. With apps, you can do additional practice questions (once you've used up those in your books and tests) and can continue to drill your basic knowledge. I’d start with the College Board app since it's the only app to offer official SAT questions. #2: To Improve Your Weaknesses If you know the types of SAT questions you struggle with, you can use apps to do more questions related to those topics or to get more focused content instruction. For content instruction, Khan Academyand the SAT: Practice, Prep, and Flashcards app are pretty good. I’d also use the apps that organize questions by specific topics. Be sure to focus on the topics with which you need the most help. #3: To Change Up Your Study Routine If you’re always studying with the same SAT book or website, you can use an SAT app to alter your normal routine. Changing your routine can energize you and give you additional motivation to study. Just make sure you’re using the apps in a way that will be most beneficial to you or you'll end up wasting your time. For example, don’t just drillHeart of Algebraquestions if you’re already getting all those questions right in your prep. #4: To Take Mock Tests A few of the SAT apps offer timed mock tests and diagnostic tests. You can use these apps to simulate the test-taking experience. However, unlike the actual SAT, you'll be by yourself and you'll be doing the test on an app, so it won't be an exact simulation. That said,you can build up your test endurance and check to see how you’re doing with time management under pressure.You can also use these tests as diagnostics to help determine the types of SAT questions with which you’re still struggling. Best SAT Apps: Takeaways and Recommendations SAT apps can help you in your test prep as long as you ultimatelyuse them in conjunction with other high-quality resources, such as SAT prep books, a tutor, or a prep course. SAT practice apps work best once you already have a solid foundation. In other words, you should be familiar with all the content on the SATand be aware of your current weaknesses. Furthermore, keep in mind that you’ll have to learn test-taking strategies elsewhere. If you can afford to pay for a resource, our fully customizable SAT prep program improves your weaknesses,teaches helpful strategies, and provides plenty of high-quality practice questions. What's Next? Are you struggling to find time for your SAT prep? Find out how to balance your SAT studying with school,and learnhow to build an SAT study plan that suits your schedule. Want some more fun ways to prepare for the SAT? Try one of these six SAT prep games! Aiming for 1600 on test day? Learnthe secret to getting a perfect SAT score, written by a real full scorer! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also feature thousands of practice questions, 6 official SAT practice tests, and personal feedback on your essays from an expert instructor. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Graphics and Illustrations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Graphics and Illustrations - Essay Example Below, two graphic designers are discussed and both of them belong to totally different times. The first graphic designer discussed is Robert Brownjohn. He was one of the famous graphic designers in 1950's and 1960's. He designed the title of James Bond movies and did a lot of other remarkable work. The second graphic designer discussed is David Carson. He is one of the most famous graphic designers of today's world. He worked with the famous brands of today's world. The brands he worked with include Pepsi Cola, Nike, Armani etc. The similarity between the both designers is that they both experimented with the typography and both of them are considered to be the first one in this regard. Graphic designer is a person who is expert in graphic designing and art. His job is to work in graphics professionally and give illustrations to his customers according to their need. They deal with the images, typography and videos. They put them together and create a piece of graphics or illustrations. Their job is to develop graphics and illustrations for advertising purpose mostly. Their work is published and printed in newspapers and magazines and also is displayed on the electronic media. People expect the work of graphic designer to be perfect and aesthetic. The aesthetic sense of the designer plays an important role in this process. People pay him for not only his skills but his aesthetic sense. With the rise of twentieth century, world saw the rise of graphi... So it could be said that print media played and important role in developing the graphics and illustrations. The electronic media played very important role in development of graphics and illustrations. Televisions and cinema gave a bigger platform to the advancement of graphics and illustrations. And then comes the computer graphics and internet. It could be said that internet provided a bigger canvas to the designers. They can improve their work and can also share it with other designers. This helps them in improving and polishing their talents. Graphics designers can display their work all over the world through internet. And it is a great development for them. While taking a look at the history of the graphics and illustrations, it becomes clear that the start of graphics took place in 1820 with the industrial revolution. Though at that time, they were called the pattern makers. In US, it starts in 1920, when consumer society emerged. Different commercial artists, advertisers and illustrators came up with their ideas and started graphics and illustrations as their profession and sooner it became an important industry. Robert Brownjohn Robert Brownjohn was a famous graphic designer of his time. He was born in 1925 and died in 1970. Most of his work is in typography and graphics. He was an initiator of computer graphics in New York during 1950's and in London during 1960's. So his contribution to computer graphics cannot be ignored. His work includes the designing of the title of James Bond's movies. He developed the graphics of Robert Fraser Gallery. Another work that increased his fame was the artwork that he designed for Rolling Stone musical group. He got a great affection with music and it is obvious

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Quantitative Critique for Predictors for NCLEX Success in Nursing Essay

A Quantitative Critique for Predictors for NCLEX Success in Nursing Students - Essay Example The purpose of the following study is to examine the correlation between the NCLEX success and scores of the NET and PreRN examination scores. NCLEX-RN is a national multiple choice exam overseen and administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. It was first introduced in 1982 as a paper-and-pen two-day exam to a computer-adaptive test in 1994 which is also the present test form. TM was introduced in 1997 there are not many similar studies therefore. According to Rubino (1998) there exists a correlation between NCLEX success and NET scores. Among others, according to the Alexander and Brophy (1997) study the firmest predictors of NCLEX success were SAT verbal scores, nursing grade point average (GPA) and National League for Nursing (NLN) Comprehensive Achievement Test scores. Another study by Barkley, Rhodes and DuFur (1998) detect a bond between on standardized test scores and NCLEX, while Beeson and Kissling (2001), Briscoe and Anema (19999), Endres (1997), Swenty (1998), Wescott (1997) employed academic and non-academic variables for their stidoes: the Mosby Assess Test, NLN Achievement Tests, RN Entr ance Examination and ACT. These former content a high GPA is a predictor of success in nursing courses, and above the average scores on standardized tests were predictors of success on the NCLEX exam. Finally the study by Beeman and Waterhouse (2001) suggest that the results of NCLEX could be accurately via available student data. Study Framework, Research Objective and Study Design A drop in NCLEX-RN scores in 1997 led to exploration of failures rates and finding ways to overcome these. Defining predictors of NCLEX-RN such are the Nurse Entrance Test (NET) and Pre-RN exams of the Educational Resources, Inc. (ERI) and part of the Total Testing (TM) package. Total Testing is a monitoring technique held during the course of study and aims to increase NCLEX success evaluating student diverse performance under diverse conditions. The study at hand utilized for the purpose of the paper is a correlational comparative study utilizing the formerly mentioned NET and Pre-RN exams to answers the following questions: Is Pre-RN is the proper tool for NCLEX-RN success rate forecast Is NET is the proper tool for entrance to a nursing school program Are both Pre-RN and NET are predictors to successful performance on the NCLEX-RN exam Variables Analysis was performed using descriptive statistics with inferential statistics employing strength of relations between the measured variables, difference between groups' means, and confidence interval in a two-tailed test (Sayles, 2003). Demographic variables are used as independent along with average point and other marks, grade point average, ACT and additional test scores, taken courses and work experience. Sample, Population and Setting The studied sampled included the senior 83 students of an Associate in Nursing Degree Program (AND) and was held in 2001. (Sayles, 2003) with 78 students graduating and 68 of them taking the test for the first time. Data were obtained by university records and records form the nursing college and were divided in four categories of demographic data, applications to nursing courses, NET and Pre-RN data and the NCLEX results. The analysis and correlation

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Continuity and Crisis Management Essay

Business Continuity and Crisis Management - Essay Example As the study outlines most comments that arise in the use of business continuity and crisis management is that people tend to confuse its role with that of insurance companies. The manner in which business continuity and crisis management are also explored by providing an example from the City of London Resilience Forum. Introduction Business continuity management helps to ensure continuity of a business by focusing on the critical business process within and outside the organization. Unplanned events have a very devastating effect on both small and big businesses and they range from fire, damage to illness of key staff, IT system failure that makes it impossible to carry the smooth running operations of a business. The negative impact of business crisis is that it can make business loose customers who make an important component of the business and prevent the closure of businesses. Good planning of the business process helps minimize the potential impact of disaster thus prevent it from happening and spoiling for the business. Business continuity is an all-inclusive management process that recognizes potential effects that impends a business and gives an agenda for building elasticity and the ability for the organization to safeguard the interest of various stakeholders. According to Blyth, business continuity involves the management approving a strategic and tactical approach to dealing with emergency disasters that are unforeseen and may pose a negative effect to the company. In addition, business continuity can be defined as a cost-justified method aimed at reducing risks that may hinder the continuity of a business in the event of a disaster. Elliot, Swartz and Herbane in their book define business continuity as responding to a business interruption in such a way as to achieve the lowest level of inconvenience possible for the continued stability of the business. According to Regester and Larkini business continuity involves identifying the potential issu es that threaten to interfere with the existence of a business and formulate a framework that can effectively handle such issues whenever they arise. According to Kadam, business continuity management aims at managing risks in order to guarantee that the company endures in operating at the lowest prearranged risk level. An organization applies business continuity and crisis management practices to ensure continuity in the ways a business handles various crises. From this paper it is clear that the need for businesses to apply business continuity and crisis management strategies is conceived from the need to provide assurance for the continuity of the business process. The management should ensure that their business continuity and crisis management framework is able to restore a business to its earlier position and preserve all sectors of the business. Business continuity management is thus more than a crisis management since it is a comprehensive program that helps a business react quickly and effectively when faced with unplanned interruptions.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gullivers Travels Essay Example for Free

Gullivers Travels Essay Ten days after returning from his previous voyage, Gulliver is confronted by Captain William Robinson to work as his journey to the West Indies. The doubled salary is cause enough for Gulliver to accept the invitation and sets sail two month after the invitation. Upon arriving in Tonquin, Gulliver is appointed Captain of a sloop (a small sailboat with one mast and two sails) and ordered to transport goods; he is shortly captured by pirates. He earns his crews freedom but his attitude lands him on a small boat with limited food. He soon finds a few isles and decides to stay in the cave of a seemingly barren island—except for a few shrub patches. After some keen observation, Gulliver notices something strange obstructing the sunlight and deduces it must be a floating island. He tries to be noticed but the inhabitants seem to give little regard for his shouting. Eventually, the floating mass draws near and from it, descends a seat that Gulliver is instructed to mount. He is then drawn up into the Island. Gulliver is welcome by many people, whom he noticed to be very strange. Their eyes look in different directions and their heads do not sit level upon their heads. In addition, he takes note of their attires, which are covered with â€Å"celestial bodies and musical instruments. † People also have a servant who follows them and carries a â€Å"flapper. † This is essentially a mace, but with a soft sac on the end. The servant’s use it to slap their masters’ mouth or ear with the intent of alerting them that it is their turn to speak or listen while in conversation. After meeting with the King, Gulliver is appointed a language tutor. Shortly after his first lesson, Gulliver notices the island to move over villages, during which, subjects collect monies from the people below. In addition, he learns that the people value mathematics and music above all. (Because of this, their language is primarily based on the sciences stated previously. ) Their skill sets are limited to these two disciplines, as well as astrology. There are also in constant fear of an apocalyptic demise, resulting from an ever incumbent meteor. After a months stay, Gulliver is learned enough to speak to the King. Gulliver is now informed by the Prince, (one of the few free thinking individuals) of the dimensions and working of the Island. He is most intrigued by the motion of the Island and how it manages to stay afloat. It is explained to him that the most experienced astronomers figured that by mounting and manipulating a great magnet in the center of their island, they are able to float and move in any direction at will. However, the island is only able to move over a specific area on earth because of the specific magnetic forces required to maintain their desired altitude. Gulliver also learns how the Island is able to rule over the inhabitants of the land below. This is done mainly through varying degrees of punishments. Essentially, Laputa uses its size and position to, block out the sun, bombard the villagers, or, simply crush the village by means of ‘dropping’ the island. Gulliver then learns of a rebellious village, with capabilities to ‘capture’ the island and kill the King. In order to maintain peace and save himself, the King has granted freedom to these people. From that instance, the King and his family are restricted from leaving the Isle. Gulliver’s boredom leads him to want to leave the Island. He approaches a lord who seems to be genuinely intelligent and curious. (An oddity on Laputa) The lord lacks musical talent and is therefore regarded as unintelligent by the inhabitants. With the help of this lord, Gulliver proceeds in petitioning the King to leave Laputa. The King accepts and proceeds in leaving Gulliver with a friend of Laputa in a place called Balnibarbi. The man whom he is left with goes by the Lord Munodi. He is of high rank and possesses great wealth. The Lord proceeds to take Gulliver around the city of Lagado. It is of great surprise to Gulliver that the city is in shambles, the people are poorly dressed, and the ground is barren. They then proceed to the lord’s estate and it is evident of the stark contrast between the city and the estate. It is well built, well managed, and has fertile vineyards, as well as cornfields, fountains and meadows. The villagers do not have high esteem for this estate and do not strive to exemplify it—rather the opposite. Gulliver is then informed that, after a visit to Laputa by some if the city’s inhabitants, they decided to construct the Academy of Laguda. The sole purpose of this Academy is to develop new agricultural and architectural techniques. The new techniques are very flawed and extremely outlandish and have left the city in its current in its current state. The techniques are supported by so many mindless individual that they allowed for the destruction of the mill. Gulliver is very curious to the details of the projects that the Academy is working, so much so, that he decides to visit. Gulliver is allowed to visit the Academy. He takes careful note of the ongoing projects. First he sees a man attempting to use cucumbers as sun storage devices. He then witnesses a scientist attempting to turn feces into food. Another researcher attempts to turn ice in gunpowder and is fully invested into the idea of the â€Å"malleability of fire. † Gulliver travels throughout the Academy and witnesses many more experiments. There are blind paint mixers who are under the impression that they can smell color. There is even a scientist who is under the impression that his random word generator is capable of writing books on any topic. A linguist is under the impression that speaking is a waste of life and every breath used to speak brings people closer to death. He proposed everyone be mute and simply act out the message they wish to convey. Lastly, Gulliver witnesses a professor attempt to teach mathematics by writing equations onto wafers and feeding them to his students. Part III: Chapter 6 Gulliver is still at the academy and proceeds to visit professors who are dealing with politics and government. They propose that taxation of women be based upon their physical attributes and relative beauty. Other claims that to uncover conspiracies, they should search through the feces of the citizens. They even propose kicking and pinching the politicians to make them ‘less forgetful. ’ After witnessing the propositions and experiments of many, Gulliver concludes that there is nothing here that he could benefit from and wishes to leave. Gulliver wishes to travel to Luggnagg but cannot find a vassal to take him. Not wanting to stay in Lagado any longer, he decided to travel to Glubbdubdrib. He is able to deduce that the Isle is inhabited by people capable of doing magic. Upon his arrival, Gulliver requests an audience with the King—he is granted his wish. Gulliver then witnesses people simply disappearing and reappearing and ghosts serving food. He is initially surprised and startled by these events but becomes accustomed to them. He even goes so far to request the King to appease his personal requests. The King willfully satisfies Gulliver’s requests to speak the dead. He speaks to many prominent historical figures such as: Hannibal, Caesar, Pompey, Brutus, Junius, Socrates, Epaminondas, Cato, and Sir Thomas More. He converses with them and learns that history is not as it seems and that often, it is glorified in order to cover up the embarrassing truth.   Still in the company of the King, Gulliver continues to talk to the reincarnations of prominent historical figures. He observes how Homer and Aristotle carry themselves and even goes as far to point out their mistakes; mistakes that they accept without any aggression toward Gulliver for doing so. He then proceeds to interrogate the more modern rulers and is disappointed to learn that they have not been honest with their subjects as they should have. He also calls upon simple ‘less developed’ English ancestors, whom he finds remarkable large and of good stature. He concludes that the Nobles have diminished the physical strength that the English were once blessed with. Part III: Chapter 9 Gulliver returns to Luggnagg in disguise. He only wished to return to his beloved mother country—the Kingdom of England. His shipmates confess to the officials that a stranger is aboard, resulting in his capture, interrogation and confinement. The King has heard of Gulliver’s adventures and wishes to speak to him. Gulliver is then informed that, all of the Kings visitors are required to lick the floor as they enter the Kings room. Because Gulliver was a guest, the floor was cleaned very well, but on occasion, it is sprinkled with poison to kill the Kings enemies. Because of his vast knowledge of foreign places, the King grows to favor Gulliver and treats him very well. Gulliver is ‘invited’ to stay for an additional three months—he is obedient.   While in the company of the Luggnaggs’, Gulliver is told of an immortal people. These people are marked by a spot on their forehead and are called the Struldbrugs. Gulliver fantasizes how he would live his life if he were immortal. He concludes that he would study all arts and sciences and learn to acquire riches. Gulliver ponders the topic even further and postulates that he would ‘reasonably expect’ to be the â€Å"wealthiest man in the kingdom. † After being exposed to these individuals, he learns that they live forever, but are not young forever. This is a tragic flaw and the government actually considers them dead after the age of eighty. He also learns that they grow to be saddened and to live a life with neither joy, nor love. All of their marriages eventually become dissolved and they despise all mortals, most likely out of envy. As he learned of these people and about their true state, Gulliver regretted wishing that he could be immortal. Part III: Chapter 11 After spending ample time in Luggnagg, Gulliver is eventually allowed to leave. He is finally able to find a vassal to take him to Japan, with hopes of continuing on to England. Upon arrival, Gulliver had again; found himself in an uncomfortable situation. He eventually finds a Dutch ship travelling to England. The captain agrees to take him, as long as Gulliver provides works as a surgeon for half the usual rate. By blending in as a Dutchman, Gulliver is able to satisfy the Emperors requirements. He is then excused from the ritual stomping of the cross. They are now free and continue to Amsterdam, from where Gulliver is able to find passage to England. Upon arrival he goes immediately home to his healthy family.